
                                                             TOTUS  TUUS   Mother of GOD

             Grow in Faith   Love the Church




The purpose of this site is to expose the underpinnings of VOTF.

Agenda Information about Voice of the Faithful - VOTF

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Their souls are worth your efforts.


The contents of this site will give you a better understanding of the underlying agenda of Voice of the Faithful.





A compilation of articles which help

to expose the underpinnings of Voice of the Faithful


The materials on are offered solely for educational purposes. Should any reader wish to quote or reproduce for sale any documents to which other persons or institutions hold the rights, the original publisher should be contacted and permission requested. If any original publisher objects to our maintaining a cache of their documents for safekeeping, we will gladly take down our cache of those documents and offer links to the original publisher's posted versions instead.


Original material copyright © 2006. Reproduce freely with attribution.