Two Events in Boston:

VOTF and Faithful Voice

Lets all take one deep breath and blow some smoke of Satan out of the Sanctuary.


By Carol McKinley   26 NOV 02

The idea that the crisis in the Roman Catholic Faith began in Boston ten months ago is absurd to the spiritual refugees of our religion. Jim Post, spokesman and leader for VOTF, is most correct when he states that "Voice of the Faithful" are CCD teachers, on RCIAs , as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Lectors, on Pastoral Council, in Youth Ministry. We have entrusted the care of our Faith to those whom do not believe in Her Teachings. Laboring in the vineyard beside these ministers has been staggering as we were slowly and cleverly silenced, oppressed and exiled. During that time Christ's Church evolved from sinners who recognized their sins through the "grace provided by pastoral care" of Her Sacred Pastors, a refuge & Sanctuary of Sacramental Penance, Reconciliation and Eucharistic Communion - to a place where our purpose became acts of pleasantries, niceties, amusements and social justice programs.


Two events happened here in Boston, nearly simultaneously this week. One was the long awaited meeting between the Cardinal and Voice of the Faithful and the other was a meeting of those who unambiguously advocate fidelity to Church teaching, held in the nucleus of the storm with Deal Hudson and Fr. Robert Carr.


The meeting between the Cardinal and VOTF was the lead story. We now know that Jim Post went in asking for four things:


1. Removal of all bans of VOTF meeting on church property.


2. Ask the Cardinal to send a letter to Pastors to say that VOTF is welcome in parishes.


3. VOTF will be part of the solution.


4. There must be financial transparency and accountability from the diocese.


The meeting did not go as expected for Jim Post. The VOTF representatives reported that the Cardinal had apparently carefully read the group's published materials. How disarming for them as this made it infeasible to focus his attention on their new "Statement of Beliefs", i.e., "We believe what the Church believes" and then demand their authority. It is absurd given the documents and evidence of record.


Groping for the facts beneath the VOTF spin, it is impossible not to see what happened in the meeting. They were confronted with the ideas of Massimini, and Swidler's Constitution of Laity.


''It's an issue - how will Voice of the Faithful relate to the archbishop of Boston and the Church, and there is a big question about whether Voice of the Faithful would want to be formed under the oversight of the bishop,'' Post said. ''There's a question about how to understand authority.''


Well then, lets all take one deep breath and blow some smoke of Satan out of the Sanctuary: YOU ARE NOT IT.


The following official statement was released from the Cardinal:


''While the emergence of new groups is a constant in the history of the Church, a proper discernment must always take place to ensure their compatibility with the faith, discipline and mission of the Church.''


The job of pointing out the dichotomy between the public image of VOTF being purported in the media, to the Bishops, to the priests, to the faithful and what is really happening in their councils and meetings has been an ugly job, but a job that some of us have been called to. Deal has been working that field nationally. He read about our work at , the challenges we continually face and battle, and we have been corresponding. We share the common vision of fidelity, holiness, return to mystical and Sacramental mission of Christ's Church. He came up to support us and help us find remedies and put them into motion. The gathering with Deal was uplifting, enlightening and solidified our short terms goals.


Dr. Hudson is clearly dedicated in helping us move the mission of Christ's Church back on track. Fidelity. He outlined the problems as we know them and gave us his commitment in the remedies that were discussed.


Fr. Robert Carr was, as always, a witness to the commitment of his vocation to priesthood. He spoke with zeal and passion. He witnessed to his own commitment to his vow of celibacy. He reminded us that Christ asked Peter to walk on water, which to the mind without faith would be impossible ~ and challenged us to the reach for the same depth of faith. He has put together a four-part series of "Where Do We Go From Here" which he will make available on his website, the Middle of the Storm, one a week during Advent. I urge all of you reading to visit his site and be fed with the solid food of truth.


So ~ what are some of the things we are going to do?


The Sacraments. Holy Hours. Rosary. Prayer. Scripture, Mass, Fasting. Finding speakers willing to keep us fed. Fr. Robert Carr and others. Also, Deal promised to return and to bring others with him. He recommended some local people to contact. Build upon the momentum we have going. We talked about the clever language that is being used and specifically addressed how to defend against it with Truth. The need to educate ourselves in defense of Faith is crucial. Develop a database and internet connection and information highway with each other. We signed up for Deals e-letter. Anyone not on the list can add their name through the Crisis Magazine website. Read and keep abreast through orthodox periodicals. Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine...etc. Also through our favorite websites.


All are welcome. Please contact me at .



After the meeting with Cardinal Law, Post said. ''There was a recognition that Voice of the Faithful is not going to go away.''


He is right. Power, greed, corruption, confusion, deception, lies and bondage will never go away - it will only take on a different name and a different face.The Pharoah, Herod, Nero, Free Masons, Call to Action, We Are Church, Voice of the Faithful - - WHATEVER name and face the opposition to Christ's Church has taken through history....God's faithful protected the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. They can take our buildings, they can have our money, they can have our reputations, our possessions and every drop of blood that flows through our veins - - but they will never take our heritage.


Let Christ's people go.


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